The Latin-language copy of Pinkas Katz's birth certificate
Museum of the history of Polish Jews
Part of the collection: Enterprises and shops of Polish Jews before World War II
A branded tin for biscuits – open, with glass lid and decorative walls. A memento of one of the most important confectionery manufacturers on the pre-war Polish market, also recognisable by its striking brand packaging. Its name was 'Branka' – Fabryka Cukrów, Czekolady i Kakao [‘Branka – Sugar, Chocolate, and Cocoa Factory], and the advertising slogan: Exquisite Sweets (see the advertisement printed on p. 32 of Spis abonentów sieci telefonicznych dyrekcji okręgu poczt i telegrafów w Lublinie i Polskiej Akcyjnej Spółka Telefonicznej w mieście Lublinie na 1939). The main founder was Maurycy Brandstädter (Brandstaedter, Brandstätter); until 1923 it operated under the name of the ‘Brandstädter i S-ka’ Steam Sugar and Gingerbread Factory in Lviv (see Statute of the joint stock company under the name: Branka, Fabryka Cukrów, Czekolady i Kakao, Spółka Akcyjna, Warszawa 1931).
Maurycy Brandstädter was a prominent factory owner in the Second Republic of Poland; he belonged, among others, to the Central Union of Małopolska Factory Industry in Lwów (see W. Wierzbieniec, Żydzi w województwie lwowskim w okresie międzywojennym. Zagadnienia demograficzne i społeczne, Rzeszów 2003, p. 243). Paradoxically, despite the fact that he was such an important figure, no historical studies on him have been published.
Fortunately, a few archival documents valuable in researching his have survived (see bibliography with links to electronic catalogues below). The surname Maurycy Brandstädter (spelt Brandstätter) was mentioned as the father on four birth certificates, one issued in Tarnów and three in Lwów: Anna, born in 1885, who died in the autumn of 1886 under the age of three; Maria, born in 1889; an unnamed child who died six days after birth at the turn of 1892 and 1893; and Wilhelm, born in 1895 (the children were delivered in Zawale near Tarnów, and in Lviv in the house at 21 Zamarstynowska Street). In the documents, he is described as a candy manufacturer in Tarnów (in the first one) and a candy manufacturer in Lviv and manufacturer of sugar goods (in the following ones). He was born in Nadbrzeża (possibly a town on the Vistula Spit; however, his parents lived in Radomyśl at the time of their son's marriage), his Jewish name was Mojżesz Elieser, his parents were Binem and Lea (née Brandstätter). His wife was Helena (Chaja Rywka) née Singer, daughter of the sugar factory owner Markus Singer and Babetta (Bluma) née Schützer. As mentioned on the preserved marriage certificate, they got married in Tarnów (where they lived) in 1884; the husband was 27 years old at the time of the wedding, so he was born in 1857 or 1858. We do not know the date of his death. He may have died towards the end of the interwar period since he is not listed among the company's management in the Yearbook of Polish Industry and Commerce [Rocznik Polskiego Przemysłu i Handlu] for 1938. (item 8475). The Branka confectionery factory, producing sweets, pastries, chocolate and cocoa, was located in Lviv. According to advertisements, it employed 300 clerks and workers in 1927 and 500 in 1935 (cf. Kalendarz z szematyzmem funkcjonariuszy Straży Celnej na rok 1927, Lwów 1927, p. 153; Księga adresowa Małopolski: Lwów, Stanisławów, Tarnopol z informatorem m. stoł. Warszawy, województwa krakowskiego, pomorskiego, poznańskiego i śląskiego. Rocznik 1935/1936, p. [2?]). The Yearbook of Polish Industry and Commerce for 1938 gives a total employment figure of 515 (Workers: 450. Technical personnel: 25. Clerks: 40.).
In 1935, the company patented an innovative method of making a thick chocolate paste for filling and coating cakes and pastries and making drinking chocolate. The novelty lies in the fact that by boiling sugar dissolved in water and potato syrup to 34° Bx, coarse sugar is produced, to which chocolate is gradually added in small doses, stirring continuously in order to achieve uniformity of the entire mass. The mass thus prepared, while retaining the normal flavour of chocolate, remains thick and does not solidify.” (Method of manufacturing chocolate paste in a semi-liquid state. Patent description”, no. 21508. cl. 53 f. 2).
The tin was donated to the collection by Monika Małecka-Krawczyk. The object was preserved in the house of her great-grandparents Franciszka and Leon Małecki in Łódź (see the note to another object preserved in this house and donated by the donor – a hanger – MPOLIN-M819).
Przemysław Kaniecki
List of archival sources (accessed on 8/08/2021):
Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych, Księgi metrykalne gmin wyznania mojżeszowego z terenów tzw. „zabużańskich, Księgi metrykalne wyznania mojżeszowego, sygn. 754, rok 1890, nr akt 490 [Central Archives of Historical Records, Record books of Jewish communities from the so-called “Bug River territory”, Record books of the Jewish religion, call no. 754, year 1890, file number 490], http://agadd.home.net.pl/metrykalia/300/sygn.%20574/pages/PL_1_300_574_0241.htm
Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych, Księgi metrykalne gmin wyznania mojżeszowego z terenów tzw. „zabużańskich, Księgi metrykalne wyznania mojżeszowego, sygn. 584, rok 1892, nr akt 1490, see: http://agadd.home.net.pl/metrykalia/300/sygn.%20584/pages/PL_1_300_584_0214.htm
Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych, Księgi metrykalne gmin wyznania mojżeszowego z terenów tzw. „zabużańskich, Księgi metrykalne wyznania mojżeszowego, sygn. 1793, rok 1895, nr akt 1266, see: http://agadd.home.net.pl/metrykalia/300/sygn.%201793/pages/PL_1_300_1793_0387.htmArchiwum Narodowe w Krakowie Oddział w Tarnowie, Akta stanu cywilnego Izraelickiego Okręgu Metrykalnego w Tarnowie, sygn. 33/276/7, rok 1885, s. 213, nr 45, see: jri-poland.org/databases/jridetail_2.php [State Archives in Krakow, Tarnów Branch, Files of the civil status of the Israeli Registry District in Tarnów, call no. 33/276/7, year 1885, p. 213, certificate number (of Anna Brandstätter's birth) 45.]
Archiwum Narodowe w Krakowie Oddział w Tarnowie, Akta stanu cywilnego Izraelickiego Okręgu Metrykalnego w Tarnowie, sygn. 33/276/29, rok 1884, s. 63, 15, see: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/5832173?p_p_id=Jednostka&_Jednostka_delta=1&_Jednostka_cur=68
Archiwum Narodowe w Krakowie Oddział w Tarnowie, Akta stanu cywilnego Izraelickiego Okręgu Metrykalnego w Tarnowie, sygn. 33/276/29, rok 1884, s. 63, nr 15, see: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/5832173?p_p_id=Jednostka&_Jednostka_delta=1&_Jednostka_cur=68
Archiwum Narodowe w Krakowie Oddział w Tarnowie, Akta stanu cywilnego Izraelickiego Okręgu Metrykalnego w Tarnowie, sygn. 33/276/51, rok 1886, s. 325, nr 246
Other sources in online directories
Entry on a popular tourist blog about Lviv and Krakow (accessed 8 August 2021): https://www.kawiarniany.pl/2017/09/20/czekolady-i-cukry-branka-lwow-historia-slynnej-fabryki-czekolady-ul-szeptyckich-26/
Author / creator
cały obiekt: height: 18 cm, width: 29 cm
Object type
Metallurgical techniques, glassmaking techniques, joining, painting, printing
Metal, glass, paint,
Creation time / dating
Creation / finding place
POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews
Identification number
Location / status
Museum of the history of Polish Jews
Museum of the history of Polish Jews
Museum of the history of Polish Jews
Museum of King Jan III's Palace at Wilanów
Educational path