Casimir IV Jagiellon's crown half-grosz
National Museum in Lublin
Money does not bring happiness – true or false? Many different associations have grown up around this saying. It is said that happiness cannot be bought, but with money you can get many things that will make you happy. Others say that money itself does not bring happiness, but shopping does. It is not easy to determine whether the title statement is true or false. However, you can look at the questions to which there is certainly an answer. So, true or false?
Obverse – the front (main) side of the coin.
Denomination – the official value of a coin, usually designated by a number.
Reverse – the back side of the coin.
Jews – followers of the religion known as Judaism; for centuries they settled in many places around the world, including Poland. In 1948, the state of Israel was established, where many Jews live.
National Museum in Lublin
Museum of the history of Polish Jews
Museum of the history of Polish Jews
Museum of King Jan III's Palace at Wilanów
Educational path