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Jewels and costumes of Pomeranian dukes National Museum in Szczecin

The collection includes jewels of Pomeranian princes from the Gryfit dynasty, from the crypt of the castle church in Szczecin. Most of them were excavated in 1946 from the sarcophagus of Prince Francis I, who died in 1620 (1577–1620). The ensemble includes ornaments for hubcaps (egrets and rosettes), pendants, chains, bracelets, rings, sewn-on pontalikas and pendent fittings. In addition to the silver fittings of the pendent, the jewels are made of gold, decorated with colored enamel and niellem, set with diamonds, rubies, pearls and turquoise. Jewelry with renaissance and mannerist forms was created in the period from the second half of the XVI to 1637. The jewels are associated with the names of leading German and Pomeranian goldsmiths of that period, such as Jacob Mores St. from Hamburg, Gabriel Gipfel and Christian Dürr from Dresden and Egidius Blanke from Szczecin. A valuable testimony to the culture of the Griffin court and European courts of that time.



Crucifix jewel of Duchess Erdmutha (1561-1623)


nie po 1619

National Museum in Szczecin

Shoe rosette of Duke Francis I (1577-1620)


1601 — 1616

National Museum in Szczecin

Wedding ring of Duke Francis I (1577 - 1620)


około 1610

National Museum in Szczecin

Signet ring of Duke Francis I (1577-1620)


przed 1620

National Museum in Szczecin

Turquoise ring of Duke Francis I (1577-1620)


początek XVII wieku

National Museum in Szczecin

Rosette from cap of Prince Philip II (1573-1618)

Mores, Jacob starszy

około 1600

National Museum in Szczecin

Rosette from cap of Prince Philip II (1573-1618)

Mores, Jacob starszy

około 1600

National Museum in Szczecin

Rosette from cap of Prince Philip II (1573-1618)

Mores, Jacob starszy

około 1600

National Museum in Szczecin

Rosette from cap of Prince Philip II (1573-1618)

około 1600

National Museum in Szczecin

Rosette from cap of Prince Philip II (1573-1618)

Mores, Jacob starszy

około 1600

National Museum in Szczecin

Rosette from cap of Prince Philip II (1573-1618)

Mores, Jacob starszy

około 1600

National Museum in Szczecin

Rosette from cap of Prince Philip II (1573-1618)

Mores, Jacob starszy

około 1600

National Museum in Szczecin

Rosette from cap of Prince Philip II (1573-1618)

Mores, Jacob starszy

około 1600

National Museum in Szczecin

Rosette from cap of Prince Philip II (1573-1618)

Mores, Jacob starszy

około 1600

National Museum in Szczecin

Rosette from cap of Prince Philip II (1573-1618)

Mores, Jacob starszy

około 1600

National Museum in Szczecin

Rosette from cap of Prince Philip II (1573-1618)

Mores, Jacob starszy

około 1600

National Museum in Szczecin

Rosette from cap of Prince Philip II (1573-1618)

Mores, Jacob starszy

około 1600

National Museum in Szczecin

Egret fromcap of Prince Francis I (1577 - 1620)

Mores, Jacob starszy

około 1600

National Museum in Szczecin

Rosette from cap of Prince Philip II (1573-1618)


około 1600 — 1618

National Museum in Szczecin

Rosette from cap of Prince Philip II (1573-1618)


około 1600 — 1618

National Museum in Szczecin

Aigrette of Duke Francis I (1577 - 1620)

Mores, Jacob starszy

około 1600

National Museum in Szczecin

Badge of honour of Saxon Elector Christian II

Botza, Michael

około 1610

National Museum in Szczecin

Badge of honour of Saxon Elector John George I

Gipfel, Gabriel


National Museum in Szczecin

Medallion with portraits of Saxon Elector John George I and his wife

Dürr, Christian


National Museum in Szczecin

IHS pendant of Prince Francis I (1577-1620)

Mores, Jacob starszy

około 1600

National Museum in Szczecin

Znaleziono 40 obiektów

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